Upcoming Events

New Ministries!!!

We have 2 new ministries starting in Lent.

First, we are going to start to collect clothing for the Tulsa Day Center. There is a great need for clothing of all sizes for both men and women. Examples of needed items: belts, athletic shoes/sneakers, bras, underwear (boxers, no briefs), shirts, pants, sweatshirts, etc... A Full detailed list in on the bulletin board.

Second, Angi and Virginia are starting SIPS, Safe Inclusive Prayer Service, focused on our 2SLGBTQIA+ neighbors. Family, friends and allies are always welcome also. We want this to be low key, with zero pressure, so we are advertising with word of mouth only at the moment. So please share the news with someone you know who could benefit or would enjoy this kind of service.

Both of these ministries will be ongoing, so keep them in mind as you're planning your week.


Church of the Holy Cross
9309 N 129th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055
(918) 272-1035
