Prayers of the People

Sunday, February 9, 2025:

Healing for Fran, Donna, Dwight, Kenny, & Esther
Healing for Don, Kathy & Mikka
Safe travels for Miriam
Healing for Clark, Martha
Thanksgiving for Fr. Bryan & Church of Holy Cross
Prayers for resolution for Jack
Healing for Jay & Debbie
a safe day for New Orleans
Prayers for Morgan
Healing for Lindsay
Peace & Comfort for Joyce & Family
Healing for Russell
Prayers for peace Lynn B.

Sunday, February 2, 2025:

Healing for Donna, Dwight, Esther, & Kenny
Peace for Willy and all at Santa Fe School in OKC
healing for Don, Kathy, Mikka
Healing for Daryl
Continuing Joy for Jack
Peace & Comfort for Joyce & Karen
Healing for Suzanne
Prayers for victims and their families of the plane crashes

Sunday, January 26, 2025:

Healing for Donna, Dwight, Kenny, Esther, Fran, & Janice
Prayers for Jack's job; Healing for Jay & Debbie
Healing for Don, Kathy & Mikka
Healing for Lindsey
Comfort for Joyce
Peace for Karen & Family

Sunday, January 19, 2025:

We give thanks for & remember the life of Lynda Poston
Healing for Donna, Esther, Kenny, & Dwight
Healing for Miriam Z, Patricia Christian
Healing for Don, Mikka, Kathy
I give thanks for & remember the life & Lou Reed
Health & comfort for Jay; Healing for Debbie
A kind heart for Jack
Peace & Comfort for Joyce, Karen & Family

Sunday, January 5, 2025:

Healing for Jennifer, Donna, Esther, Kenny, & Dwight
Healing for Kathy, Don & Mikka
Healing and Best outcomes for Anita
Healing for New Orleans
Healing for Lindsey
Prayers for Jack; Healing for jay

Sunday, December 29, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Esther, Kenny, & Dwight
Healing for Don, Mikka
Safe travels for all on the road this holiday
Healing and sleep for Jack; Understanding for Debbie
Healing aand peace for Jay
Healing for Kate Thompson
Prayers for Rose Gonzalez
Healing for Rich G

Sunday, December 8, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Esther, Kenny, Dwight, & Kevin
Healing for Don
Thanksgiving for Church of the Holy Cross!
Healing for A's tooth
Healing for Jay
Eating Habits for Jack
Healing for Joyce and Sharon
Prayers for Repose of Soul of Mildred Rubottom
Peace & Comfort for Wilson & Family
Prayers for recovery for Blake

Sunday, December 1, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Dwight, Kenny, Esther, & Kevin
Healing for Jay, Debbie and Cathy
Healing for Don S, safe travels for those on the road this weekend
Safe travels for Goose
Birthday blessings for Natalie and Blake
Healing for Lindsay & Sherry
Healing for Jenny Strait
Healing for Joyce
Peace for Fran & Jim
Prayers for resolution & peace for Taylor

Sunday, November 24, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Kenny, Esther, Dwight, & Kevin
Repose of the soul of Chris Lack. Comfort & peace for Pam, Jana & his family
Healing for Don
Safe travels for all who travel during this Thanksgiving season
Thanksgiving for my CHC family
Healing for Jay & Debbie
Healing for Fran, Jim & Joyce
Healing for Sherry an Lindsay
Prayers for the family of Anna
Repose of the soul of Ibinabo Jr. & comfort for his family
Prayers for peace Lynn B
Successful surgery for Paralee

Sunday, November 17, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Esther, Kenny & Dwight
Healing for Don & Mikka
Repose of the soul of Julie Bornhorn; comfort for her family
Comfort for the Aery family
Prayers for Sherry and healing for Lindsay
Birthday prayers for Samson and Andi
Healing for Jay & Debbie
Strength & Peace for Fran & Jim
Prayers for Lynn for Peace
Healing for Kelly Hoefer

Sunday, November 10, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Kenny, Esther, & Dwight
Guidance for Tonya
Healing for Don
Comfort for Mikka
God's healing for Janice Masterson
Comfort and strength for Delanie and family
Healing for Jay & Debbie; Guidance for Mark & Jeff
Comfort for Jennifer
Comfort for the Gasper family
Healing for Jory
Healing for George Holderman
Prayers of comfort & peace for the Holderman family

Sunday, October 27, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Dwight, Kenny & Esther
Continued healing for Don
Comfort & peace for Mikka
Peace for Jon
Healing for Jay; Guidance for Jeff & Mark
Continued healing for Lindsay.
Prayers for peace for Kate & family
Congrats Fr B Tulsa Run Biathalon & wedding

Sunday, October 6, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Esther, Kenny, Dwight, Fran & Sharon
Comfort for Jim and Cindy, as they grieve
prayers for Don
Hurricane victims
Guidance for Declan
Thanksgiving for Marilyn Bean good test results
Grateful for Neighbors that saved Paralee's house
Healing for Sharon
Safe travels for Bryan & Preston

Sunday, September 29, 2024:

Healing for Donna, Fran, Jennifer, Kenny, Esther, Dwight & Kevin
Continued healing for Don
Good test result for Marilyn Bean
Healing Hurricane victims & First Responders
Continued healing for Lindsay & Renee
Healing for Ryan's lungs
Peace for Jessica & Lena
Healing & Recovery for Mike S
Healing for George Holderman
Continued healing for Sharon
Continued healing for Martha
Prayers for Jory & Chelsea
Healing for Melissa Juby
Peace & Comfort for the Phelps & LLoyd families

Sunday, September 22, 2024:

Healing for Doc, Kenny, Dwight, Esther, Kenny, Donna, Martha & Wes
Good outcome for Frank Z
Thanksgiving for good MRI test for Don
Healing for Lee family
Healing for Sharon
Thanksgiving for our Christian Formation group & Fr Bryan who guides us.

Sunday, September 15, 2024:

Repose of the soul for Everett, Comfort & strength for Kristin, Maggie, Cate, Conrad, & all who mourn
Healing for Sharon, Donna, Jennifer, Dwight, Kenny, & Esther
Healing for Don
Thanksgiving for Church of the Holy Cross
Healing and comfort for Krystine & Michael on the loss of their pregnancy
Thanksgiving for Justin's ordination anniversary
Good results for Mo
Continued healing for Lindsay
Prayers for healing Mike S
Comfort and healing for Janet

Sunday, September 8, 2024:


Sunday, September 1, 2024:

Healing for Everett, Jim, Elizabeth, Jennifer, Esther, Kenny, Dwight, Lesa & Tim
Healing for Don & Mikka
Thanksgiving for Church of the Holy Cross
Healing for Joyce
Healing for George Holderman & prayers of strength for his family
Healing for Marilyn Bean
Prayers for Jory
Prayers for Jane

Sunday, August 25, 2024:

Healing for Jennifer, Esther, Kenny & Dwight
Healing for Lesa & Tim, Good surgery results for Joyce
Healing for Don & Mikka
Comfort for the family of Yvonne Hall
Good outcome for Frank Z
Guidance for Declan
Healing for Lindsay
Good testing for Morgan
Restoration of health and peace for Jane
Safe travels for Sampson
Prayers for peace for Lynn B

Sunday, August 18, 2024:

Healing for Dwight, Esther, Kenny & Jennifer
Healing for Don & Mikka
Healing for Jay & Debbie
Safe travels for Virginia
Cheryl Paralee sister healing
4 Good outcome for Frank Z
Prayers for Lindsay
Guidance & peace for Declan
Repose of the soul for A.J.
Continued healing for Mark
Prayers for families involved in wreck last night
Healing for George Holderman
Prayers for Jory & Chelsea

Sunday, August 11, 2024:

Repose of the soul for Jack Kiper, comfort & peace for Glenda & family
Healing for Dwight, Esther, & Kenny & Jennifer
Gods precious healing for Don
Healing for Mikka
Thanksgiving for my Church of Holy Cross
Healing for Jay, strength & guidance for Reeves family
Strength & guidance for Declan
Healing for Mark
Healing for JoAnn
Safe Travels for Darrin & Debbie
Thanksgiving for Preston & blessings for his new journey
healing for Melissa and peace for her family
Remembering the departed Edward Hauser
healing & comfort for George Holderman & prayers for his family

Sunday, August 4, 2024:

Healing for Tony, Dwight, Esther, & Kenny & Jennifer
Comfort for Jack as he nears death, Strength for Glenda & all near to Jack
Strength for Miriam
Healing for Debbie & Jay; guidance for Mark, Jeff & Virginia
Healing for Don & Mikka
Prayers for the memory of Jackie Tipton
Healing for Martha
Blessings for the Birthday of Wesley Jr.
Birthday Blessings for Butch and Kim P.
Strength for Carin, healing for Uncle Charles
healing for Melissa

Sunday, July 28, 2024:

Healing for Kenny, Esther, & Dwight
Continued healing for Don & Mikka
Repose of the soul of Jim, comfort & peace for Jake & Sara
Thanksgiving for friends
Healing for Jay; Guidance for Reeves family
Healing for Debbie
Thanksgiving for Holy Cross family
Healing for Suad and Tony
Peace and guidance for Kassady
Peace and acceptance for the Hines family
Continued prayers for Lindsay
Guidance & peace for Declan
Healing for Oliver
Healing for Carol Brent and Carol Wells
Healing for Melissa Coday and family
Healing for Robert, Tracy & Marilyn

Wednesday, July 24, 2024:

Healing and recovery for Brenda
Recovery and guidance for Jay

Sunday, July 21, 2024:

May Joyce rest in peace & rise in glory, may Beth and all who mourn be comforted and strengthened
Healing for Esther, Kenny & Dwight
Healing for Jay Reeves and effective recovery
Healing for Debbie
Thanks be to God for inactive cancers in Don
Healing for Mikka
Healing for Fran
good test results for Peggy Davidson
Lesa, Tim & Joyce (Healing for all)
Fast recovery for Tony hip surgery
Faith and Healing for Aunt Betty
Safe travels for the Curfman & Owens families
Healing for Joyce Sipes
Safe travels for Stephanie M

Sunday, July 14, 2024:

For former president Trump & all the victims of violence in Butler, Pennsylvania. May our country choose Love as the way forward when confronting divisiveness & hatred.
Healing for Kenny & Esther
Repose of soul of Mickey, comfort for his family
Healing for Don, Mikka & Kathy
Help for Frank Z & Jon in transition
Prayers for Lindsay's surgery July 15th
Guidance for Declan
Healing for Jeff Bean
Healing for David Mitchell
Successful hip replacement for Tony
Healing for Paul Denoia
Healing for Jan
Comfort for Danice & her family
Healing for Shari & Clark
God's healing for Virginia
Prayers for comfort & Peace for the Burnes Family Loss
Healing & Comfort for George Holderman
Prayers for Jory & Chelsea

Sunday, July 7, 2024:

Safe travels for Bryan, Julie & Katie
Repose of the soul of Helen. Comfort and peace for Danice & family
Healing for Don & Mikka
Healing for Debbie, Bud, Jim & Jay
Good outcomes for Virginia
Guidance for Declan
Dave Mitchell for surgery healing
Jeff Bean for surgery healing
Marylyn Bean for patience
Continued prayers for Lindsay

Sunday, June 30, 2024:

Repose of the soul for Logan; Comfort & Peace for Sally, Mark, Joshua & Bryant and all who mourn
Healing for Kevin, Elizabeth, Dwight, Kenny & Esther
Healing for Debbie, Bud, Jim & Jay
Strength for Kathy
Healing for Don, Mikka
Healing for Jon
Safe travels for Morgan
Safe and healthy delivery for Kayla & Baby H
Continued prayers for Lindsey
Guidance for Declan
Gods healing for Helen &
Peace, comfort, strength & safe travels for Danise & Curtis
Peaceful transition for Betty, and strength for her loved ones during this difficult time
Safe travels for Kathy & Claudia
Healing for Frank Z
Peace for Miriam
Prayers & guidance for Jory & Chelsea
Thanksgiving for Roberts Bday
Strength, healing and good outcomes for Cherie Cope
Strength and comfort for Kate
Thanksgiving for our S.I.P.S. kids

Sunday, June 23, 2024:

Healing for Kevin, Dwight, Kenny, Esther, & Logan
Safe travels for Becky & Shelby
Prayers of Healing for Pat, Don, Mikka
Comfort & strength for Cindy, Tami & families
Prayers for the General Convention
Prayers for Frank Zelis and Jon
Prayer & Peace for Corbin family
Guidance for Declan
Continued prayers for Lindsey
Prayers for Betty, Curtis & Danise
Safe travels for Preston
Healing for Jim, Debbie and Bud
Strength for Kathy
Healing for Tracy
Continued healthy life for Jay

Wednesday, June 19, 2024:

Safe travels for Preston
Healing for Tracy

Sunday, June 16, 2024:

Healing for Dwight, Kenny, Esther, Logan, Lesa and her mother
Healing for Frank and Preston
Healing for Don, Kathy, Mikka
Love & prayers for all Fathers
Prayers for peace for Bill H family
Prayers for Guidance for Molly H
continued healing for Jim
Healing for Debbie

Thursday, June 13, 2024:

Successful surgery for Preston, quick and easy recovery

Sunday, June 9, 2024:

Healing for Dave, Dwight, Esther, Kenny, and Logan
Healing for Don, Kathy & Mikka
Repose of the soul of Bruce, comfort for his family
continuing healthy life for Jay
Healing for Jim, Debbie
Comfort & peace for Anne Cates & family

Sunday, June 2, 2024:

Healing for Dave, Dwight, Esther, Kenny & Logan
Healing for Don, Kathy, Bruce, Mikka
Thanksgiving for Fr Bryan, Julie & CHC
Continued prayers for Lindsay
Prayers of Healing for Evelyn
Prayers for our SIPS kids
Safety travelling for Mark
Healing for Debbie, health for Jay, Jim
Prayers of comfort & peace for Molly H
Comfort & Peace for Anne Cates & family

Sunday, May 26, 2024 Trinity Sunday:

Healing for Kenny, Esther & Logan
Comfort and aid for the people of Claremore and Pryor
Continued healing for Jim & Randy & Jay
Healing for Debbie
Safety for Robbie Golden
Healing for Bruce, Don & Mikka
Repose of the soul of Wynene, comfort for her family
Safe travels for the Glavins
Continuing prayer for Lindsay

Sunday, May 19, 2024 Pentacost:

Healing for Kenny, Esther & Logan
Healing for Don & Mikka
Comfort & love for Tami
Thanksgiving for Father Bryan, Julie & CHC
Thanksgiving for good Dr report
continued healing for Jim
Good health for Debbie & Jay
happiness for Faith
Prayers for Lindsay
Safe travels for the Glavin family
Birthday blessings for Betty
Comfort & peace for Ron & Dawn Walkert family

Sunday, May 12, 2024 Mother's Day & Graduate Sunday:

Healing for Kenny, Esther & Logan
Thanksgiving for all Mothers
Thanksgiving for our graduates
Healing for Don
Continued healing for Jim
Thankgiving for my mother
Safe travels for Dana & Steve & Robert & Tracy
comfort for Tammy
Healing for the town of Barnsdall
Strength & comfort for Linda
Andrew & Alex for healing and comfort

Sunday, May 5, 2024:

Healing for Kenny, Esther, & Logan
Prayers of Gods healing for Leisa, Don, Bruce & London
Love & support for Lee, Tami, Johnson family & Lt. Williams family.
Peace for Harrington family
happiness for Granddaughter Savaannah
Healing for Kathy
Healing for Betty
Peace for Jon, Frank
Comfort & peace for Lynn P
Repose of the soul of Geneva Dickison & peace for her family
Prayers for Jewell Maynard

Sunday, April 28, 2024:

Gratitude and Thanksgiving for the lives of The Rev. Shelby & Becky Scott
Restoration, recovery, & comfort for all impacted by Severe Weather
Healing for Esther, Kenny & Logan
God's healing for Don & Bruce
Repose of the soul of JoAnn
Repose of the soul of Kalar Reeves
continued healing for Jim
comfort for the Williamson Family
Prayers for Lindsay
Thank you Lord for the Angel reminding me, "yet you brought me out of the womb"
Comfort & peace for Joyce

Sunday, April 21, 2024:

Healing for Kenny, Esther, Logan & Shari
Healing for Don & Mikka
Thanksgiving for Fr. Bryan & Julie
Healing for Bud, Debbie, Jim & Jay
Thanksgiving for Holy Cross family
Repose of the soul for Margaret & Shirley
Comfort & peace for Cindy
Birthday blessings for Don
Healing for JoAnn
Strength, Peace & Comfort for Don Bradford
Repose of the Soul for Suzie Bradford

Sunday, April 14, 2024:

Healing for Kenny, Esther, Logan & Jessica
Healing for Robert, Patricia
good outcome for Mark, Rebecca
Healing for Don & Mikka
Healing for Jim, Debbie & Bud
Thanksgiving for family & friends
Repose for the soul of Streve Struble and prayers for his family

Sunday, March 31, 2024 Easter Sunday:


Sunday, March 28, 2024 Maundy Thursday:

Healing for Kenny, Esther & Logan
Healing for Don & Mikka
Healing for Steve
Peace & Comfort for the Hauser Family
Peace & Comfort for Tracy's Family

Sunday, March 24, 2024 Palm Sunday:

Healing for Esther, & Logan
Comfort & Peace for Gracie and Donna
Healing for Don & Mikka
Healing for Pat
Healing for Jay, Jim & Debbie
Guidance for Virginia during Discernment
Prayers for Repose of Soul for Ned Dauchman
Prayers for Stength, Peace & Comfort for Marilyn, Stephanie, Kim, Michelle, Tracy & Robert
Successful surgery for Holly

Sunday, March 17, 2024:

Healing for Kenny, Esther, & Logan
Repose of the soul for Steve, comfort for all who mourn
Repose of the soul for Helen Watkins & peace for Shari & family
Continued healing for Don & Mikka
Patricia Christian peace
healing for Jim, Debbie & Jay
guidance and strength for Tucker & his family
peace for Fran
Peace for Penny and friends of Mark Cornino
Healing for George Curfman

Sunday, March 10, 2024:

Healing for Kenny, Esther, Logan & Ginger
Comfort & peace for Helen, Shari & family
Prayers for Mikka & Don
Healing for Jim, Debbie, & Don
Repose of the soul for Josh
Continued healing for Susan & Debbie
Penny Carino on the death of her beloved husband Mark (RIP)
Safe travels and meaningful engagement for Jeri, Martha & Father Bryan, Saturday for Vestry Academy

Sunday, March 3, 2024:

For the spirit of Love & Grace to fill & protect Owasso
Healing for Kenny, Esther, Logan & dear friend, Doris
Healing for Don, Mikka & Jeri
Healing for Pat Christian
Healing for Donna
Healing for Patricia
Safe travels for Glavins
Healing for Jim, Debby & Don
Healing for Danielle Brown

Sunday, February 25, 2024:

That all of God's children might recognize and love all of God's children. That we might seek and commit to engaging differences with the spirit of love, and graciousness that Jesus embodies.
Healing for Kenny, Esther, Logan, & Dave
Healing for Don, easy transition for Mikka
Repose of the soul of Wes
Prayers for Sara & Jake
Comfort and strength for grieving families
Healing for Jim, Debbie & Jay
Peace and understanding
comfort for Jeanie
Prayers for peace & comfort - Hauser family

Sunday, February 18, 2024:

Thanksgiving for the community of CHC for the love, support, and service shown during the service for Julie's Mom.
Healing for Kenny, Esther, Logan
Guidance for Virginia
Healing for Don, Jim & Debbie
Healing for Don, easy transition for Mikka
Comfort for the Benedict family
Comfort for the family of Kash
Healing for Danielle Brown
Prayers for Recover, healing and comfort for Bill H

Sunday, February 11, 2024:

Healing and comfort for Jim, Fran, Kenny, Esther, & Logan
Healing for Debbie, Jim & Jay
Healing for Don & Jeri
Easy transition for Mikka
Successful surgery for Yolanda's mom
Safe travels for Yolanda
Continued healing for Susan & Tracy

Sunday, February 4, 2024:

Healing for Jim, Kenny, Esther, & Logan
Discernment for how God is calling us to use our land
Peace and comfort for Shari's Aunt Helen
Peace and wisdom for Shari
Healing for Don, Mikka, and Blake
Remembering the lives of Prissy Brown & Glenna Blackwelder
Healing for Debbie, Don & Cathy
Discernment for Virginia
Prayers for successful surgery for Bill H
Peace & comfort for the Burnes family
Comfort for Andi on the passing of Skittles

Sunday, January 28, 2024:

Healing for Kenny, Esther, Logan, Jim
Thanksgiving for Shelby
Guidance for Virginia
Comfort for Debbie & Julie
Healing for Jay & Debbie
Healing for Don, Jeri
Prayers for an easy transition for Mikka
The Fox girls serenity for the death of your brother
Comfort & healing for Joyce & Danny
Celebration of Jeff Beans Baptism
Healing for Denise
Healing & comfort for Daneile Brown
Thanksgiving for Blake passing his test

Sunday, January 21, 2024:

Repose of the soul for Lynda; Comfort for Julie, Bryan, Brady, Katie, Jennifer & Dontrell
Healing for Kenny, Esther, Logan, & Jim; Peace & strength for Fran & Warren
Healing for Danise & Jeri
Repose for the soul of Matthew and comfort to his friends & family
Thanksgiving for Graham Williams on his 30th birthday
Thanksgiving for Angi printing the bulletins
Thanksgiving for the Holy Cross Family
Pray for healing for Hayden
Peace for Danny & Joyce
Prayers for Healing Bill H

Sunday, December 10, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny & Logan
Prayers Clarksville, TN tornado victims
Healing for Mickey, Randy, Debbie, Virginia & Madi
Guidance for Virginia
Thanksgiving for Colter Shottenkirk born December 5
Prayers for direction and good news
Healing & Peace for Joyce & Danny
Healing for Don, Mikka, Jeri
Prayer of acceptance for Brendo
Strength for the family of my friend Ed Sulliven (RIP)

Sunday, December 3, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny & Logan
Healing for Don, Mikka, Jeri
Healing for Debbie, Rebekah, Jay, Randy
A safe and healthy delivery of Colter and a healthy delivery for Madison
Thanksgiving for Shari on her confirmation
Prayers of Comfort for Martha, Bob, Debbie & family
Prayers for Blake

Sunday, November 26, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny & Logan
Healing for Don, Mikka & Jeri
Healing for Gary
Comfort & peace for Danny & Joyce
Many Blessings of our Lord Jesus Christ
Healing for Mickey, Randi, Debbie
Guidance for Don

Sunday, November 19, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny, & Logan
Healing for Don & Mikka
Safe travels for Fr Bryan & Julie
Healing for Dorothy
Repose for the soul of Chris and peace and strength and comfort to his family
Thanksgiving for good Dr report & Holy Cross family
Healing for Mickey
Healing for Jeff & Marilyn Bean
Comfort & strength for Danny & Joyce

Sunday, November 12, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny, Logan & Linda
Healing for Marilyn & Jeff Bean
Healing for Jim, Jesse, Bud, Mickey, Cathy
Guidance for Don
Safe final pregnancy month for Madison & Colter
Strength & fortitude for Debbie & Kathy
Edd Kelley
Comfort for Danny, Joyce & Gary
Healing for Blake & Dorothy
Healing for Addison
Healing for Zerelda
Repose of the soul of Ed Sullivan & peace for his family
Healing for Mikka & Don
Comfort & peace for the Roberts family
Healing for Dawn Walker

Sunday, November 5, 2023:

Thanksgiving for the completion of our renovations & for all who have had a hand in our restoration.
Healing for Esther, Kenny, Logan, & Charles
Comfort & peace for Mikka
Healing for Don & Jen
Good outcome for Miriam
Healing for Jeff & Marilyn Bean
Healing for Joyce, Nanny, & Gary
Peace for Debbie
Healing for Laura
Comfort for Tammy
Prayers for Korns, Zanca for their loss

Sunday, October 29, 2023:

Peace throughout our world; in Isreal, Gaza, Lewiston, and everywhere that violence and evil touches.
Healing for Esther, Kenny, Logan, Joe & Charles
Healing for Don & Mikka
Healing for Rousana & the O'Casio family
Healing for Pam, Ronnie, Reba, Jeri, Donnie & Jim
Healing for Sharon
Healing for Mickey, Jim, Debbie, Bud, Jesse, Don
Strength for Kathy, Matt, & Don
Healing for Marilyn & Wes
Healing for Gary
Healing for Angi
Thanksgiving for Fr Bryan, Julie, Donna, Brady & Katie
Thanksgiving for Beth & her beautiful music

Sunday, October 22, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny, Logan, Teri,  & Kevin
Healing for Don & Mikka
Thanksgiving for my Church family
Healing for Gary
Comfort for Tammy
Healing for Harrison
Prayer for Passing of Robert
Marilyn - healing from Covid
Prayers for repose of the soul of Brian
Prayers for Roberts family
Healing for Jesse, Bud, Cathy, Mickey, & Jim

Sunday, October 15, 2023:

Healing for Logan, Kenny, Esther, Linda and Fran
Comfort, peace, and safety for all in the paths of war and violence
Healing for Jim, Vicki and Bud
Healing for Gary
Healing for Don, Mikka and Mike
Healing for Blake

Sunday, October 8, 2023:

Healing for Lynda, Esther, Kenny Logan, Fran, Virginia & dear friend
Peace in Israel comfort for all mourning & in danger from the latest acts of war
Healing for Pat Neely
Healing for Don & Mikka & Mike
Healing & comfort for Gary
Good Direction for Tommy
Healing for Justin from his motorcycle accident
Repose of the Soul for Brenda
Comfort & Peace for Janice & Busby family
Healing for Nonette

Sunday, October 1, 2023:

Healing for Lynda, Kenney, Esther, Logan and a dear friend
Healing for Don and Mikka
Continued healing for Sharon
Thanks for the life and love of Jackie Tipton on her 94th Birthday
Thanksgiving for Travis' new grandson
Healing for Curtis after knee surgery
Healing for Virginia
Repose of the soul of Beth
Strength and comfort for Justin, Faith and

Sunday, September 24, 2023:

Healing for Lynda, Kenney, Esther, Logan and a beloved friend
Healing for Don and Mikka
Healing for Sharon
Healing for Shane
Healing for Bud and Debbie

Sunday, September 11, 2023:

Justice & Healing for President Julia Ayala Harris, Bishop Ed, and all involved in the Title IV processes
Healing for Lynda, Logan, Kenny & Esther
Healing for Don
Thanksgiving for good friends, CHC, Father Bryan
Healing and strength for Betty
Thanksgiving for Andi's return to work
Direction for the path ahead

Sunday, August 27, 2023:

Healing for Tracy, Virginia, Logan, Kenny, Esther
Healing for Don & Mike
Comfort & peace for Mikka
Healing for Shane Baker
Healing for Debbie & Tracy
Healing for Harrison

Sunday, August 13, 2023:

Healing for Virginia, Lynda, Logan, Kenny & Esther
Healing for Jenny, comfort for her family
Healing for Don
Thanksgiving for the life of Jackie Tipton
Helping for the Weaver family
Healing for Tim
Healing for Debbie - comfort for family
Strength for Tammy and Robert
Comfort for Harrison

Sunday, July 30, 2023:

Comfort & peace for Jackie as she nears the end of her earthly journey. Strength & comfort for Jeri and all the family in this difficult time, and time to come.
Healing for Kenny & Lynda & Esther & Logan
Healing for Jacob
Healing for Jim, Mickey, Debbie & Bud
Thanks for the Holy Cross Family
Support for those struggling with life changing decisions
Healing for Brent

Sunday, July 23, 2023:

Healing for Kenny & Lynda
Healing for Jackie strength for Jeri & family
Peace for Mikka
Safe travel for Rogers family
Healing for Jacob
Peace for Johnson family
Healing for Bud & Rebekah & Mickey
Continued healing for Jim & strength for Kathy
Continued healing for Laura

Sunday, July 16, 2023:

Healing for Kenny & Lynda
Safe travels & growth for St. Patrick's youth on their mission trip
Healing for Jackie, Don
Comfort & peace for Mikka
Healing for Rebekah, Mickey, Debbie, Jim, Bud & Jay
Fortitude for Kathy
Healing for JACOB
Peace for Jill Stiners family
Peace for the family of Mike Johnson as he enters the Kingdom
Thank God for the patience to follow his path
Healing for Harrison and Ryder


Sunday, July 10, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny & Lynda
Prayers for Jackie, Don & Tami
Repose of the soul for Chris
Safe travels for Claudia
Continued healing for Jim
Healing for Debbie & Rebekah & Jay
Healing for Ryder
Healing for Harrison
Prayers for Repose of the Soul of Duane
Prayers for comfort & peace for the Brost/Curfman/Bishop family

Sunday, June 25, 2023:

Healing for Don, Chris & Jackie
Continued peace for Mikka
Healing for Adrian & Duane

Sunday, June 18, 2023:

Thanksgiving for all Fathers!
Prayers for all affected by the storms
Healing for Don & Jackie
Continued peace for Mikka
Healing for Duane & George

Sunday June 11, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny, Logan, & Lynda
Healing for Jackie & Don
Healing for Mickey, Jim, Bud, Jay & Rebekah
Peace for Rebekah, Jeannie & Graham
Prayer for Melody and her family
Blessings for Nat, Lake, Allie, Ollie, Charlie & Sam
Prayers for Morgan
Healing for Mike Johnson

Sunday, May 28, 2023:

Healing for Esther, Kenny, Lynda & Stephen
Continued healing for Don & Jackie
Peace for Mikka
Safe travels for all on the road today
Safe travel for Bridgette & Shane
Healing for Michael Johnson
Healing for Jim & Rebekah
Peace for Jeannie & Kathy
Healing for Emil

Sunday, May 21, 2023:

Repose of the soul for Joe, Comfort for Jim & Family
Healing for Logan, Esther, Kenny & Lynda & Joyce & Lena & Jennifer
Thanksgiving for Katie, Emma & all Graduates
Healing for Don & Jackie, Peace for Mikka
Healing for Harrison Moseby
Continued healing for Jim; strength for Kathy
Good health for Jim & Debbie & Jay
Healing and peace for Rebekah

Added later:
Continued healing for George
Healing for Bud
Comfort for Jeannie & Tony


Sunday, May 7, 2023:

Healing for Lynda, Esther & Kenny
Healing for Rebekah, Jay, Jesse & Debbie
Peace and comfort for Pamela Sealls' family
Peace and comfort for Kim Johnson's family
Healing for Jackie, Don & Mike
Peace and comfort for Dee, Patti & Jen
Peace for Mikka

Added this week:
Healing for Jim
Continued healing for George


Sunday, April 30, 2023:


Healing for Lynda, Esther, & Kenny
Peace & Comfort for Dee & Patty
Healing for Don, Jackie & Mike
Successful Surgery for George
Healing for Blake
Good test results
Guidance for Courtney
Healing for Jay, Jesse & Debbie
Peace & Comfort for Jeannie, Tony & Teighlor

Added this week:
Healing for Rebekah
Comfort & Strength for the family of Pamela
Peaceful rest for Pamela

Church of the Holy Cross
9309 N 129th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055
(918) 272-1035
