Jeri Kolke

Jeri Kolke

Jeri Kolke

Bishop’s Committee
I was raised in a Southern Baptist Church and became confirmed at St Luke’s Episcopal in Ada, Ok in May 1967. Many years searching spent in many churches. In 2000, I was welcomed into St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Fernandina Beach, FL. My years there included:  weekly worship, Vestry, priest search committee member, Discovery weekend, Happening as a Geritol, Cursillo candidate, lay reader, Chalice Bearer and working with the Acolytes for 5 years. Bringing my Mother closer home to family, brought us to Owasso and to the Church of the Holy Cross. This “Little Church that Does” is so special to me for the generosity and kindness shown to everyone in our community. 


Church of the Holy Cross
9309 N 129th East Ave Owasso, OK 74055
(918) 272-1035
